Among all the confusing claims in the world about the biggest questions about us...

What if there is a way to know the answers for real?

Even though all mystical beliefs or religions can offer us some useful philosophies and daily life practices that can make us feel better, when it comes to the most important questions about the beyond, where we came from, why we exist, what happens when we die, they give different answers. We usually choose to believe in some of them that make sense to us, and rely on our personal experiences. It may seem like we can never get to know for sure, but actually the entity behind our existence who created the Universe and who is in control of life and death communicated these answers throughout history multiple times.

The main goal of this website is to present the final, true and complete message of that being to humanity which is preserved over centuries in a book with convincing supernatural evidence, which you've most likely never heard of.

First of all, if such an entity exists and It cares to communicate with humans, how would you expect that to be like?

In the message it is clearly the Creator who is speaking, it is not a collection of stories and narrations written down by men from their perspectives at different times. We are invited to think about several details in the nature and the Universe, and most of these could not have been known correctly until recently, when modern scientific discoveries showed them to be true indeed.

Certain events in the past are also mentioned with precision, confirmed by historical discoveries to be correct. Digging into the depths of psychology, it also reads humans like a book.

The unique style with literary beauty, strange mathematical patterns, a godlike point of view, things impossible for a human to have known, and things quite unlikely for a human to have always guessed right...

The pureness, consistency, honesty, goodness... It answers virtually all theological and existential philosophical questions we may ever wonder about.

Just like when we read the "book" of nature carefully, we see that it cannot be the product of the nature itself and it necessitates an intelligent source; when we read the message carefully, we also see that it cannot be the words of a human being, we can witness the supernatural fingerprint using our minds.

Would the Creator of human mind ever expect us to believe or to do anything that contradicts with it? In the message, the most important thing that the Creator wants us to do is in fact using our minds. It wants us to investigate, to follow logic, to think, to question, to know, to seek evidence and not to follow blind faith or assumptions.

It asks those who follow the beliefs of their families or ancestors to consider what if they are actually wrong.

Rather than expecting us to just believe in the message, the Creator invites us to evaluate the signs of its supernatural origin.

It also challenges us to criticize the message and see if we can find any inconsistencies.

Rather than asking us not to read other books, It challenges us to find a better book to follow for guidance if we can.

It also mentions all types of critics that came from people and answers them, nothing to hide!

No strange rituals, no weird rules, no sects, and no organized religion or clergy class that can make money to "help" us get better, because everything that anybody can ever get to know about our Creator is all written in a single book which everyone can read and understand themselves.

The Creator introduces Itself to us in the message as the most merciful, gracious and compassionate. Love is what It feels for Its creation, a cosmic love that encompasses everything and everyone, and It wishes to form an honest eternal friendship with us. The message says that if we tried to count the blessings of the Creator, we could not finish counting them.

It promises to forgive all of our mistakes, without requiring any sacrifice, asking us not to do harmful things intentionally. It advises us to respond to rude behavior kindly, to treat each other nicely with empathy, to control our anger, to forgive, to have patience, to be honest.

The Creator strictly forbids killing, causing chaos, displacing people from their homes, starting wars, and abusing people that are weaker than us.

It calls us to prevent bad things from happening on earth, advising us to race in goodness and to spend all that we don’t need to help others in need, wishing there to be no human that suffers. It asks us to defend justice even if it may be against ourselves or our close ones.

The Creator gives complete freedom of belief and speech, declares that all races and genders with all of our natural diversities are equal and what sets us apart is our intentions and actions.

None of the joys of life are forbidden as long as we don't harm ourselves or others. The Creator says that the mercy and love that It creates between a couple is among the signs of Its existence.

The Creator is aware of every single detail about us and promises perfect justice and to resolve all kinds of unfair things that happen in our world life, not holding us responsible for what we cannot change or do better.

Who is the Creator?

There is nothing similar to the Creator, so we cannot imagine Its dimension, or how It looks like. It has always existed and will always exist. It is the one and unique, pure and free from any flaws and negative attributes, and It is always with us wherever we are.

The idea that there is a conscious entity that has always existed is very hard for our minds to comprehend, because everything that we know of has a beginning. But no matter what it was, something must have always existed, as it is quite obvious that a true nothingness can not have produced something. The harmony, complexity, order and beauty in nature and the Universe point towards a source of intelligence, information and control, just like the reflection of light over the sea points towards the existence of the Sun even if it may be hidden behind the clouds.

Who are we?

No matter how crazy it sounds, not so long ago, trillions of atoms came together to form one tiny cell, containing a code of 3 billion biochemical “letters” all wrapped up inside an extremely tiny place, which produced our bodies with the most complex object known, the brain, and a heart that beats 100000 times a day... Things that are even difficult for us to understand, our cells are doing marvelously while we even have no clue what they are doing.

The biggest gift we've received is having been brought into existence, but during our time here, we are also showered with countless blessings. Living on such an impressive planet, with its atmosphere and magnetic field protecting us in the wilderness of space, the perfect balance in the percentage of oxygen in our air and the cycle of water, tasty food coming out of soil, the way day and night follow each other allowing us to rest, animals that are friendly to us, the Sun that gives us energy and light, artistic flowers that smell pleasing, cheerful birds that sing, stars that decorate the sky in the night…

What is the message?

The message invites us only and directly to the being that made us, and not to any idols or leaders, or to any myths or imaginary stories. It clarifies who the Creator truly is against all the wrong beliefs made up over ages. It's a universal book that speaks to people in different life situations in different time periods.

Thanks to the distorted religion formed around it, which represents it incorrectly, its translations usually contain several wrong interpretations.

You may think, if the Creator actually wants us to know the truth, why doesn't It just let us all know it magically? This is a good question which is answered in detail in the message; it is related to this: Why would a merciful being give complete free will to us, even though some of us will most likely use it to make others suffer?

The signs of the supernature in it are also additional signs for the existence of a Creator that knows and cares about humans and also for the existence of afterlife. It takes us from the darkness into light, healing our souls.

And here is a mystery for you to solve:

The message is one of the most common scriptures in the world, which one is it?